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photo courtesy: impactwrestling.com |
CagesideSeats.com will provide LIVE blow-by-blow, match-by-match coverage of Sacrifice below, beginning with the first match of the evening and right on through to the main event.
Tonight's show will feature Eric Young defending his heavyweight championship against Magnus in a rematch from Impact a couple weeks ago, The BroMans putting the tag titles on the line against The Wolves for the 88th time, the conclusion of the best-of-three series between Sanada and Tigre Uno for the X Division title, and more!
So kick your shoes off, relax, and enjoy all the action with your favorite pro wrestling website. And remember to keep refreshing!
Full results and match coverage below.
- Eric Young vs. Magnus
- Madison Rayne def. Angelina Love
- Bobby Roode def. Bully Ray
- Gunner def. James Storm
- Kurt Angle & Willow def. EC3 & Rockstar Spud
- Sanada def. Tigre Uno
- Mr. Anderson def. Samuel Shaw
- The Wolves def. Bro Mans and DJ Z
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photo courtesy: impactwrestling.com |
Result: Wolves win by pinfall and become the TNA Tag Team Champions
Before the match Edwards on the mic and he is talking about all of the DQs in recent weeks so he hands a sheet of paper to Christy. She announces its a No DQ Match now.
Wolves with the early advantage and they send Bro Mans to the outside and then they launch Z over the ropes into them. Insane elevation on it. The Wolves with a double suicide dive and then the isolate Z in the ring.
A series of double team moves in the corner and then a drop toe hold-elbow drop combo. Robbie starts yelling at the Wolves about not being afraid and throws some silly kicks that the Wolves no sell for the comedic effect. A series of combos and when Edwards goes for a slam, Z nails Edwards with the laptop. Jessee drags Richards to the outside and slams him onto the barricade.
Bro Mans taunting the downed Edwards in the ring and they start to go to work. Robbie uses the tag rope to choke out Edwards before tagging in Z. Z with a series of slaps. Bro Mans and Z working the quick tags as each man is getting some offense in.
Edwards with a suplex and he tries for the tag but Z yanks Richards off the apron and the Bro Mans double team Edwards as the send him to the outside. As the drag him back in, Edwards fights off all three and gets the tag. Richards cleans house left and right in a flurry that ends with a dropkick to both Bro Mans off the top rope. Z tries to nail him with the laptop but Richards dodges and he nails Jesse.
Wolves with a couple of double teams including a powerbomb-backstabber combo. Wolves go up top and hit the double foot stomp for the win.
Borash in the back for the padded wagon match. Shaw is creeping behind a door and apparently he is getting interview by Borash.
Shaw talks about his rage at everyone calling him a creepy bastard. He is going to beat Anderson and send him to the nut house. He dedicates the match to Christy
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photo courtesy: impactwrestling.com |
Result: Anderson wins.
Shaw keeps avoiding Anderson's initial attempts. He goes to Christy and uses her as a shield and tries to cheap shot Anderson but fails. Back body drop and Anderson just keeps running him into the barricades and apron for a couple of minutes.
Shaw gets advantage with an eye poke and a head slam into the steps. Shaw with his patented chokehold. He chokes Anderson out! Shaw takes advatage and goes after Christy. He keeps pulling on her arm and says she is coming with him whether she likes it or not. She slaps him and runs away.
Anderson recovers and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Shaw tries to make it to the back but Anderson just keeps up the assault. He goes for the Mic Check but Shaw fights it off so Anderson a rolling fireman's carry slam and then tosses Shaw off the stage. Anderson lays into Shaw with a chair and then some punches.
The Psych Ward van is backstage apparently.
Anderson puts Shaw through a guard rail and then drags him backstage. They run into JB and Anderson asks him to interview them. Anderson makes fun of Shaw by providing the answer for him. Anderson slams him onto a cart and sends him flying into some gear boxes.
Anderson goes to the padded wagon but Shaw has recovered and bashes him hard. As he is ready to toss Anderson in, Christy comes up and calms him down. She starts to give him a hug but knees him in the nuts.
Anderson takes advantage with a mic check into the bumper and then tosses Shaw into the van for the win. Christy with some truly artistic acting in her excitement of being rid of Shaw.
Borash interviews EC3 and Spud. Spud is going to make sure his best friend gets a win tonight in their tag match.
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photo courtesy: impactwrestling.com |
Result: Angle and Willow win by pinfall
EC and Angle start things off but EC immediately tags in Spud after teasing locking up with Angle. Angle staring bullets at him but EC just shrugs a few times. Angle tells Spud to get out of the ring but EC refuses.
Angle threatens to kick Spud's ass all the way to England so he immediately makes the tag. EC just rolls out of the ring when Angle approaches.
EC gets back in and Angle takes him down so EC dives and makes the tag to Spud. Spud bails when Angle approaches and they yell on the outside. Willow opens up his umbrella and goes off the top rope for a splash on both. Angle makes hsi way over and hits a belly to Belly on the outside. He charges in but EC dodges and Angle hits the steps.
Willow goes after Spud in the ring but EC makes the save. Willow fights out and hits a 180 moonsault.
Willow taking it to Spud and goes for the Twist of Fate but EC lays him out. Spud takes advantage with some ground and pound. EC tags in and nails a suplex. EC with a couple of more slams and then a choke hold. Willow elbows out and hits a jaw breaker and then a flip kick. Goes for the Twist of Fate but EC fights him off and sends him into a Spud knee from the apron.
EC tries to follow up but Angle gets back in on the action with a trio of German Suplexes and locks in the ankle lock. Spud jumps on Angles back and eats a belly to belly for his trouble. He locks the ankle lock on Spud but EC takes out Angle's knee.
Willow now attacking EC with a quick flurry. He quickly sends EC to the outside, leaving Spud in alone.
Twist of Fate from Willow and then and Angle Slam. Swanton Bomb from Willow for the win.
Knux and Rebel are driving. He says they are picking up Crazy Steve and the Freak. Rebel isn't too happy about it.
Excellent Sanada hype video.
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photo courtesy: impactwrestling.com |
Result: Sanada wins by pinfall and retains as X-Divison Champion
Tigre counters a Sanada arm drag. The two men with a chain series and they both give a quick applause to each other. Sanada hurricarana sends Tigre to the outside and Sanada wants to go over the top but Tigre roles under so Sanada lands on the apron. Tigre tries to take advantage but Sanada counters with a craddle roll.
Tigre with a roll up attempt and then a series of kicks. Tigre goes to work on the left leg of Sanada with some locks and kicks. Sanada with some type of head scissor arm bar? Sanda is able to escape and when Tigre tries to springboard- Sanada hits a drop kick to him mid-air.
Sanada tries to follow up but Tigre sends him to the outside and then with a huge placha. Tigre drags him back to the ring but Sanada hits a series of strikes. Tigre ends the comeback with an enziguiri. Tigre with a springboard moonsault but Sanada gets him knees up and then himself springboards for a flying clothesline.
Tigre with a suplex that sends Sanada's head into the turnbuckle. Tigre goes up top but Sanada stops him with a hurricarana and then a Tiger suplex. Sanada goes for a moounsault but Tigre dodges. Sanada with a kick but Tigre counters it with a high cradle suplex. He goes for the 450 but Sanada dodges and hits his moonsault for the win.
JB with Storm in the back.
Storm calls himself the star maker because he has made Gunner.
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photo courtesy: impactwrestling.com |
Result: Gunner wins
Gunner with the opening salvo of clotheslines and ground and pound. Storms fights back and sends Gunner to the outside and the barricades. with a clothesline of his own. Storm slams a guardrail on Storm and then stomps it a few times. He positions the steps but Gunner takes advantage and puts him into the steps.
He tosses Storm into the ring and tosses a ton of weapons into the ring. Storm recovers though and hits a big slam. He then slingshots Gunner into the second rope and chokes him. Storm gets some chairs and goes to town with the chair. The ref holds the mic to Gunner and he screams NEVER!!!!!
Storm with some stomps in the corner before a whip and the big boot. Gunner fights back hard with somes elbows and a running high knee.
AJ Styles chant from the crowd.
Each men gets a trash can lid and start beating each other with it. Gunner gets the advantage and hits a flying headbutt. He charges in for a tackle in the corner but Storm dodges. Storm then with an apron dropkick that puts Gunner's head into the turnbuckle.
Storm then DDT's Gunner onto the steps. Storm gets a beer bottle and a Beer Money chant starts. Storm nails Gunner with the Beer Bottle that cuts him open. One Mroe Beer chant as Gunner says no to the ref on the I Quit question.
Boston Crab from Storm but Gunner won't quit. Storm in his frustration attacks the ref and steals his belt.
Storm beats on Gunner with the belt and then ties him up in the ropes and whips him a bunch. Ref asks him again- "Piss Off". Storm responds with the Last Call. Storm still not quitting.
Storm with a glass shard and he attacks the wound with it and then hits a low blow. Storm continues the assault but Gunner digs deeps and fires back with some strikes and an F5. Storm goes for Last Call again but Gunner fires back with two more F5s. Gunner sets up some chairs and wants a superplex. Storm fights back but Gunner nails him with a trash can lid.
Gunner is now setting up the guard rail in between the chairs. Gunner with a superplex onto said guardrail!
Gunner takes a hold of a glass chard and digs it deep into Storm's forehead. Storm yells "I Quit" and Gunner has won the match.
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Result: Angelina Love wins and is new Knockout's Champion.
I missed most of the match except the ending. Sky used some hairspray to blind Rayne to help Love win.
JB in the back with Bully Ray. Ray talks about his tables match and gets a tables chant started from the backstage area.
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photo courtesy: impactwrestling.com |
Result: Roode wins.
Ray with the early clotheslines, punches, and a bionic elbow. The crowd calls for the table already and he obliges. Ray sets up a table on the outside and goes back to the ring but Roode lays into him with strikes and sends him right back out. Roode puts Ray into the barrier and continues the assault.
Roode tries to slam Ray into the table but Ray fires back. They make it back into the ring and trade strikes until Ray takes advantage. Ray with a couple of slams but a Roode neckbreaker ends that run.
Roode tries to put Ray through a table but Ray once against counters. My cable screwed up a bit and when it gets back to working the ref is knocked out and Ray is powerbombing Roode through a table.
Ray sets up another table in the ring but when he goes after Ray, Roode hits a spinebuster. Reg is still knocked out. Roode goes for the Roode Bomb but Bulyl counters. Roode off the second rope but Ray catches him with the cutter in mid air.
Bully sends Roode to the outside and sets him up on a table on the outside. Ray was going to hit a splash off the apron but decides to go up to the second rope but gets pushed off by what appears to be Dixie in a hat, glasses, and a fake beard. Roode moves out of the way and Ray goes through the table to end the match. Dixies unbeards herself and yells at Ray. Apparently she was supposed to be posing as a cameraman or ring side crew.
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photo courtesy: impactwrestling.com |
Result: Young wins by pinfall
Early exchange of strikes and slams. Young with a side headlock takedown. Magnus tries to fight his way out, but Young with another side headlock. Magnus counters into one of his own and then lays out Young.
Magnus with a cartwheel over Young and then hits a couple of slams. Young fires back with some strikes and sends Magnus to the outside. He hits a suicide dive. Young goes off the apron but Magnus counters it into a brutal slam onto the outside.
They make it back to the ring and Young with the bridging suplex but his follow up fails as Magnus with a viscious clothesline. Magnus with a rear chinlock.
Magnus with some brutal right hands and then a camel clutch. Young gets an arm free so Magnus hits a knee drop to the back and locks it back in. He goes for another knee but Young rolls over and gets a knee up in time that crotches Magnus.
Young a flurry of strikes and slams before a couple of running crossbodys. Magnus tries to whip him into the corner but Young lands on the apron. He goes for the piledriver but Magnus counters so Young hits a different slam. Young misses with a moonsault and Magnus hits a side slam.
Magnus goes up top and hits a flying elbow drop but Young dodges and hits a wheelbarrow slam. Young goes up top and hits the flying elbow drop for a two count. Young with a Sharpshooter but Magnus makes his way to the ropes.
Magnus with a power slam for a two count. Young with some knees and he gets the piledriver for a two count. Young goes for a second one, but Magnus counters and goes for one of his own. Young counters that with a slingshot into the corner. A second piledriver from Young and top rope elbow drop for the win.
source: cagesideseats.com