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Raw last night was a very mixed bag, but the one thing that did go right was the opening segment between CM Punk and Triple H.
For seven days, fans and analysts have said that Punk would have to deliver a great promo to get people interested in SummerSlam after coming back far earlier than anyone would have predicted.
Depending on how you look at it, he may have done it with the opening segment.
The biggest question on everyone's mind—or as Punk called it, "The $64,000" question"—was why he re-signed with WWE after spending the last six weeks verbally bashing anything and everything WWE.
Watch the whole show here (link)
Well, he came up with as good a reason as any to explain his decision. He said that the voice of the voiceless deserved to be heard and that he was here to initiate major change from the very boring and dull status quo.
After Punk finished telling everyone what he wanted to do, Triple H came out and told the world why he decided to re-sign Punk. He said that he put his personal feelings aside because it was the right thing for business, which sounded like a Vince McMahon line.
That was when things got heated because Punk wanted to know how Triple H really felt about him. Triple H proceeded to call Punk "smug and overrated." He also said that Punk's re-signing was more about ego than giving a voice to the voiceless.
Punk then brought up Triple H being a bully even when he was carrying Shawn Michaels' bags back in his early days with the company.
Then came the best line of the entire 20-minute segment, when Punk asked Triple H how many times he said, "Well, you know he just doesn't have what it takes" while lying in bed with his wife.
Say what you will about the final segment with Punk, Triple H and John Cena, but this opening segment was brilliant and fit the story perfectly. There is now a lot of heat and animosity between Triple H, the corporate man, and Punk, the anti-corporate man who will not be bullied by the powers that be anymore.
This feud may not quite be Vince McMahon against Steve Austin, but it is much, much closer than even the hardest of the hardcore fans in the Attitude Era will be willing to admit.
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