For me, I'm so fed up of John Cena representing in the same damn storyline, playing the very same role week after week, month after month, year after year, feud after feud in WWE.
The individual he is feuding with (known as an heel) makes fun of Cena basically because kids and women like him. These individuals say that Cena doesn't merit the public eye as Cena is constantly in the spotlight. They say that they should get in the public eye, then the hero of lil kids and women, Cena sounds out 'you want some, come get some' they feud, at the conclusion of the feud Cena as always ends up gaining the win and the individual he was feuding with doesn't gain popularity and starts back as mid-carder wrestler.
However this is the same plot line Cena was featured while feuding through Cena vs Batista, Cena vs Miz (2009) and this year, Cena vs R-Truth, also Cena vs Nexus pointed out alike factors. Also don't forget, Rock vs Cena features nearly the identical plot line.
I have to been so fed up Cena, I can't even watch him any longer. Don't misunderstand me, I don't hate Cena, I just hate the plot line. Think of witnessing the exact film each week, you can't hate the role player, simply the script.
We all fully understand that in the end Cena will gain the win any time, this feud is done with, very sure R-truth, Miz, Batista all experienced wins over Cena, but Cena received the final gain. When Cena overcame Orton in 2009, Orton went back to mid-card and then feuded with Kofi rather than going over. Orton eventually went over shortly after becoming face wrestler. Miz is now feuding with Alex Riley, Batista went away, Nexus is nothing but a joke in WWE as for now.
This plot line has been doing no right to anyone any longer, guys don't go over as Cena constantly ends up gaining the win.
What i'm saying, is why do people cheer for Cena and love him? I am very sure if you ask the kids they might tell you that because he is a good guy. What is so fascinating regarding Cena? Why do kids get energized when these people witness him? He definitely doesn't go any magic tricks, nor doesn't cut some sort of promos week after week. I experience nil up against faces, look at face Edge, this guy constantly issues funny promos and that's what i'm talking about, the reason I get so activated witnessing him on television screen because I'm sure he is gonna cut an interesting promo. Cena is definitely not entertaining, he has been doing the exact same plot line for years and years. Look at The Rock week after week the guy tracks awesome promos, and his material is constantly fresh & refreshing, so people don't get fed up the exact same joke at any time and Rock always performed other stuff to maintain himself from becoming stale.
Cena is stale, and you are aware of how WWE makes sure Cena doesn't remain stale? They fucking modify his Tshirt color each year... that's all! ! Orange, Purple, Red... unlike shirts, exact gimmick.
Just because this guy is face doesn't intend that he must win each feud. Look at Triple H, at times when he was heel, he won the majority of his feuds if not all, but with HBK, Kane, Booker T, RVD, Orton, etc...
WWE will make the ENTIRE roster heel in order to maintain Cena as a face also to allow him get someone new to feud with. WWE turned R-Truth heel so Cena would waste a couple of months on him. WWE turned Batista heel. Like I told you to maintain Cena fresh they are going to turn everybody as heel, what i'm saying is simply turn Cena as heel...Dear WWE!
Hogan turned heel, Rock turned Heel, Austin turned Heel... but did sold a load of product as heels. You have got Orton as your face if Cena moves to be an heel.
And after this lets suppose if the WWE begins losing money when Cena becomes heel, these people can always quickly make him an face. But atleast take the risk, Raw is actually so damn boring and rotten with the very same plot line, currently the lone affair fascinating on Raw is Alberto Del Rio and heel Cole.
So would you rather experience Cena do the same plot line for the following 5 years or experience him modify his gimmick in future?
Cena's Stale Story linesOver again, this is the very same plot line Cena has been doing :
He is a good guy, the heels are jealous, reason each one of the kids and ladies love him, these people make fun of him blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...........
Plot lines used to exist so different, recall Kane vs Chris Jericho in 2000. The particular plot line began from an coffee accident and gave us and exciting feud for two month.
Chris Jericho Spill's Coffee On Kane - 10/23/2000
Do comment and let me know, What do you think about the post?