To regain his title back The Animal Batista has to win over the new World Heavyweight Championship The Great Khali at Summer Slam.We have seen this two big strong men in same ring many times.
As the injury of Edge gave The Great Khali the biggest title in WWE at 20 Man-Battle-Royal at Smack down.The Great Khali won the title as he eleminated both The Animal Batista and The Red Monster Kane at the same time.At the Great American Bash Triple Threat Match which includes The Great Khali himself and The Animal Batista and The Red Monster Kane.World Heavyweight Championship The Great Khali won the match and The Great Khali retain his title at Bash.
At the Summer Slam The Animal Batista gets one-on-one match with the World Heavyweight Championship The Great Khali.Will The Animal Batista win the title back or World Heavyweight Championship The Great Khali retain his title
Wait and watch at the Summer Slam