Again the 16-time World Champion Nature Boy Ric Flair was the target of The Great Khali. As The World Heavyweight Champion has accepted the challenge of The Aminal Batista for The World Heavyweight Championship Title at SummerSlam.
“The Great Khali says that you won’t be doing any celebrating after SummerSlam,” says Ranjin Singh the translator of The Great Khali.“because what The Great Khali did to Ric Flair is the same thing he will do to you at SummerSlam.” Ranjin Singh contuines.
The main event was The World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali vs Nature Boy Ric Flair .“I’ve faced Jack Mulligan, Jack Lanza, Baron von Raschke, the Von Erichs…nobody had a Claw like this guy. His hand is like a vise grip,” says the Nature Boy Ric Flair.“But tonight, I will break him down in that ring and slap him in my move, the Figure Four Leg Lock, and he will tap out. WOOOOOO!” Ric Flair contunies.
But The World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali did not wait for SummerSlam .He dominated The Aminal Batista.
After the match World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali continued the physicly attact The Nature Boy Ric Flair,But that what made The Aminal Batista to enter the ring.The Aminal Batista gave what ever it takes to bring The Great Khali down and tried for a Batista Bomb but thing went out of hands and The Aminal Batista found himself in the hands of The Great Khali.The Aminal Batista was nearly crushed by the hands of The Great Khali.The fans was shock to watch the full diaster at Smack Down.
The World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali stood in the ring screamingly,but the fans were silence and shocked.Will The World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali win over The Aminal Batista or he will lose wait till SummerSlam.
Summer Slam Matches
