RAW Results December 5th, 2016

1. In Ring Segment: Seth Rollins

Rollins calls Owens a coward and challenges him to a match for the WWE Universal title tonight. Owens says he has a match against Sami Zayn tonight so that isn’t happening, plus, he already beat Rollins two weeks ago. Since we are talking about matches, that brings us to the gifts Owens got Jericho. Owens says he got Jericho a United States title match against Roman Reigns tonight. Also, Jericho will get to face Rollins at Roadblock.  Lastly, Rollins has a match right now: against The Big Show!

2. Seth Rollins vs The Big Show

Rollins two hits a springboard knees to Show. Rollins goes to the top rope and hits a flying knee to Show’s face. Show finally hits the mat. Rollins tries to set up the Pedigree. Owens gets on the apron and distracts Rollins. Show back body drops Rollins. Owens yells at Show to just finish Rollins. Show grabs Owens by the throat and chokeslams him from the apron into the ring. Show points at Owens and says, “he is all yours.” Show leaves the ring and gets counted out.

Winner- Seth Rollins

After the match, Rollins superkicks Owens and hits a Pedigree.

3. Jack Gallagher vs Ariya Daivari 

Daivari punches Gallagher in the gut. Gallagher surprises Daivari with a headbutt. Daivari tumbles into the corner. Gallagher obliterates Daivari with a sick running corner dropkick in the corner for the win!

Winner- Jack Gallagher

After the match, Gallagher tries to shake Daivari’s hand. Daivari attacks Gallagher. Daivari assaults Gallagher’s knee.

4. WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn

Zayn calls for the Helluva kick, but he ends up running right into a superkick by Owens. Owens misses the Pop-Up Powerbomb. Zayn hits another half nelson suplex, then an exploder into the corner, followed by a blue thunder bomb. Owens still somehow manages to kick out.

Owens rolls to the outside. Zayn follows and exploder suplexes Owens into the barricade. Zayn tosses Owens into the ring. as soon as Zayn gets in the ring, Owens shocks him with the Pop-Up Powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Kevin Owens

5. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann vs TJ Perkins

TJP sets Swann up in the tree of woe. TJP lands a delayed dropkick in the corner. TJP almost locks in the rolling kneebar, but Swann reverses it into a pin. TJP kicks out. TJP hits the wrecking ball dropkick. TJP goes up top and dives off. Swann catches him mid-air in the head with the Swann spin kick for the win!

Winner- Rich Swann.

6. Bayley vs Alicia Fox

Fox tries to tilt-a-whirl back breaker Bayley, but Bayley reverses it into a pin for a near fall. Fox kicks Bayley in the chest then hits the ropes. Bayley turns it into the Bayley to Belly for the win.

Winner- Bayley

7. The Tussle in Texas: Titus O’Neil vs Mark Henry

Henry ducks, picks up O’Neil and obliterates him with the Worlds Strongest Slam. It’s a wrap.

Winner- Mark Henry

8. United States Title Match: Roman Reigns (C) vs Chris Jericho

Reigns gets to the rope to break the hold. Owens appears out of nowhere and superkicks Reigns. Jericho hits the Codebreaker, but Reigns still kicks out! Jericho yells at Owens to leave. Reigns tries to Spear Jericho, but Jericho leapfrogs him. Reigns hits the ropes and manages to hit Jericho with a Spear! Jericho is done.

Winner and the STILL United States Champion, Roman Reigns!

9. Rusev vs Big Cass

As Cass is waiting in the ring, Rusev never comes out. Cass goes to the outside of the ring and asks someone to use their phone. Cass calls Enzo. A camera crew is following Enzo and they show him ignoring Cass’ call. Lana answers the door in a red robe. Enzo says this isn’t right and he can’t do this. Lana puts her hands over her face as if she is crying and goes back into the hotel room. Enzo follows. Lane hugs Enzo and says she is going to get them some drinks. Lana eats a strawberry in front of him and Enzo says he has to go right now. Lana rips off Enzo’s shirt. Enzo keeps telling Lana that he has to leave. Lana tells him to take off his pants. Lana says something to him in Russian. Enzo asks what that means. Lana says it means he is a fool. Lana calls for Rusev. Enzo tells him he isn’t into this kinda thing and that he is just going to leave. Rusev beats down Enzo. Rusev puts Enzo through a table and breaks a lamp over his back. Rusev breaks a vase over Enzo’s head. Rusev drags Enzo’s lifeless body out to the hallway and leaves him there. Lana puts the do not disturb sign on the hotel room door.

Winner- Err… No contest?

10. Raw Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders match: Gallows and Anderson vs Sheamus and Cesaro

Sheamus gets dumped to the outside. Cesaro dives off the top for a high cross body. Cesaro clotheslines Anderson over the top rope. Anderson, Gallows, Sheamus and Cesaro all battle on the outside. The fight ends up on top of New Day. New Day attacks both teams to cause the DQ.

Winner- No contest

After the match, both teams continue to brawl. Kofi Kingston dives over the top rope but gets caught by Sheamus and Cesaro. They powerbomb Kingston onto Big E. and Xavier Woods.

11. In Ring Segment: Charlotte

She calls him an SOB and says who is she (Banks) to dedicate her match to you! Banks hits the ring to try to save Flair. Charlotte knees her in the gut and traps her in the ropes. Charlotte chokes Banks in the ropes. Charlotte dumps Banks to the outside. Charlotte yells at her father that this is all his fault. Charlotte tosses Banks into the barricade. Charlotte ally oops Banks into the ring post. Charlotte drags Banks back into the ring and lays her at her father’s feet. Charlotte leaves the ring while yelling at her dad to look at his hero, his athlete.

12. Next week’s episode of WWE RAW will feature a triple threat tag team championship match as The New Day will defend against Sheamus & Cesaro and Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson.

13. WWE tweeted out the following, confirming Sasha Banks versus Charlotte Flair will happen at WWE Roadblock in a 30 minute Ironman match.

14. After tonight's RAW went off the air, Rusevcame back to the ring and started talking trash about Enzo Amore and America.

Big Cass came out and cleared the ring of Rusev to send the fans home happy. There was no post-show dark match.

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