WWE Raw 1/21/13 Result

photo courtesy: wwe.com

Raw this week comes to us live from San Jose, California and we kick things off with Paul Heyman and Vickie Guerrero coming out and Vickie Guerrero and Vickie complains about Rock insulting her last week and rolls footage of the Rock Concert. Heyman says it’s one thing to pick a fight with him but to pick a fight with a poor defenceless woman is contemptible. Vickie says she’s glad everyone enjoyed how Rock embarrassed them last week but that is not the case tonight because even though Rock is here, Vickie has banned him from entering her arena and if he does the San Jose police department will arrest him. She’s informed that he’s here and shows a camera set up outside and The Rock just found out he’s banned and Rock says she wants to screw the people and The People’s Champion and says he knows the officers have a job to do but Rock says there’s not an entity or force on the planet that’s going to stop him from stepping into the people’s ring. The officers tell him if he forces himself in he’ll be arrested. Rock tells them to arrest CM Punk and Paul Heyman and says there’s no way The Rock is not getting in the people’s ring and electrify and it’s only a matter of when.  Vickie says if Rock steps foot in this ring tonight the only song he’ll be singing is Jailhouse Rock and then finishes off by borrowing Rock’s catchphrase and putting her own twist on it saying “If You Smell What The Vick is cooking”. Tonight, by order of the GM, we will see a series of Beat The Clock Matches


Beat The Clock: Antonio Cesaro vs Randy Orton

Quick roll up by Cesaro. Side headlock and quick roll up by Orton off the irish whip. Shoulderblock by Orton. Cesaro with the side headlock takedown. Shoulderblock by Cesaro back to the headlock countered by Orton. Uppercut by Cesaro. Orton with the Thesz Press. Suplex countered by Cesaro and small package. Orton with the dropkick.


Cesaro has Orton up on the top rope. Superplex blocked by Orton and Cesaro gets knocked off the top rope but Cesaro tosses Orton to the floor. Cesaro tosses Orton back in. Gutwrench to Orton. Reverse chinlock by Cesaro and Orton fights out of it. Uppercut by Orton and Cesaro with a slam. The double stomp to the gut by Cesaro back to the chinlock. Orton runs into a boot but Orton unloads with a series of clotheslines. Powerslam to Cesaro. Orton looking for the hangman’s DDT. Cesaro counters into a jackknife cover and delivers the uppercut to Orton.  Cesaro tosses Orton shoulderfirst into the ringpost. Orton falls to the outside tossed back in by Cesaro. Cesaro looking back at the clock and Orton pulls out an RKO for the three count.
The winner of the match: Randy Orton

Time To Beat: 11:36

We get the Mick Foley tribute video following last week’s announcement naming him as the first inductee into the 2013 Hall Of Fame
We get a Shield video highlighting the path of destruction they’ve left since their arrival in the WWE


Zack Ryder vs Big Show
Show unloads on Ryder. Slam by Show, Huge chop to Ryder and Show delivers the KO Punch for the three count
The winner of the match: Big Show
Post Match: Show puts a foot on Ryder and starts a 10 count but the fans “What” him out of the ring.


Backstage: Paul Heyman is on the phone and Brad Maddox comes in and says just like Paul Heyman when he was younger he wanted nothing more than to be famous and just like Paul Heyman there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to keep his dreams alive. Heyman says he was wrong about Maddox and says he sticks with Heyman and Heyman will make his dreams come true
Dropkick to the knee by Slater. Ryback with the spinebuster. Delivers the Meat Hook clothesline. Tosses McIntyre and Mahal out of the ring and sets Slater up hitting Shell Shock for the three count
The winner of the match: Ryback
Post Match: Ryback says his job is fun and this Sunday is his first Rumble. It was made for him and he thrives on this type and this match will lead him to Wrestlemania
Backstage: Rock tells the police they wear the badge to protect the people, it’s about the people.  Vickie comes in and says Rock’s causing a disturbance and they say as long as Rock is outside he will not be arrested and Vickie threatens to suspend the police. Vickie says while Rock is outside CM Punk will be addressing the WWE Universe inside and Vickie says she can lift the ban if Rock apologizes. Rock says he WILL get inside tonight but he will never apologizes to Vickie and says she still looks horrible tonight


Punk says what he has here he holds dear to his heart more than people hold their families. He says this is his life’s work and for 428 days he has worked hard and will not allow The Rock or any man to take the WWE Title from him. Rock is here to entertain, electrify, sing songs and tell jokes. He is here to hurt people and be champion. He will not allow Rock to leave Royal Rumble as champion because the WWE Title is why Punk’s here. The belt is prestigious because he made it prestigious. What’s important to The Rock is the most meaningless thing. The people. The Rock is proud to be People’s Champion as much as Punk is proud to be a real champion. He’s been in the ring and stood face to face with Rock and looked into his soul and says Rock cannot be champion. He was forced long time ago to make a decision and chose honest arrogance. The people can call him The Great One,  The Brahma Bull but they cannot call him champion because Punk is champion. He’s earned the right to be champion and in six days he’s on a collision course and tells him to enjoy the people, the cheers, the signs because he realized long ago the people do not matter, all that matters is the WWE Title and in six days all that matters is what the people cannot give him will remain around the waist of the WWE Champion Best in The World CM Punk


Beat The Clock: Miz vs Dolph Ziggler
Dropkick by Miz, Roll up. Miz with the side headlock and shoulderblock by Miz. Roll up by Dolph and side headlock on Miz. Hiptoss countered clothesline by Dollph ducked by Miz. Dolph with the standing dropkick. Ziggler with the neckbreaker. Chinlock on Miz. Ziggler into the sleeperhold and Miz tosses him off  chop block by Miz and elbow across the leg and Miz going for the Figure Four but Ziggler kicks him off and Miz to the outside as Langston interjects himself into the match. Ziggler quick to toss Miz back in.
Ziggler wearing Mizz down. Neckbreaker countered into a backslide by Miz. Sunset flip. Kick to the face by Miz. Miz with the clothesline in the corner. Up to the top and double axehandle to Ziggler. SCF countered by Ziggler. Zig Zag to the Miz. Backbreaker by Miz. Figure Four on Ziggler. AJ on the apron and Langston pulls Ziggler to the ropes. Zig Zag on Miz once more for the three count
The winner of the match: Dolph Ziggler
Time To Beat: 10:56


Dr. Shelby welcomes everyone to the graduation ceremony for Kane and Daniel Bryan and says he is proud of them. The first ever graduates of Dr. Shelby’s Anger Management course. Dr. Shelby says when they first started Kane was a maniacal mask wearing monster who preferred hurting to hugging and called Daniel Bryan a man child who would get mad at the slightest comment but now he looks calm , peaceful and ready to graduate. Dr, Shelby says the top graduate gets to be valedictorian and says one of them should decide who will be valedictorian and they commence arguing. We get a “Dr. Shelby” chant from the crowd and Dr. Shelby suggests everyone, everywhere hug at the same time. And Shelby, Kane and Bryan end with a group hug


Kaitlyn vs Alicia Fox
Alicia with repeated head smashes in the turnbuckle to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn back in control sends Alicia to the floor. Spear from the apron by Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn tosses Alicia back in  Alicia with a hair toss across the ring.  Alicia misses with the leg scissors, but hits the clothesline and now Alicia with the chinlock. Kaitlyn with the snapmare. Alicia misses with the boot and Kaitlyn hits the spear for the three count
The winner of the match: Kaitlyn
Backstage: Paul Heyman tells CM Punk he’s arranged a special Skybox for Punk and has a special Paul-bomb for Rock ust for Punk


Paul Heyman says he’s not only the voice of the voice of the voiceless he also serves as friend, strategist and advisor and says when Punk was here earlier a lot of what he said went over the heads of the fans and names himself interpretor to keep it simple for the people and says this Sunday Rock will not leave Royal Rumble as champion. He calls Vince McMahon and tyrant and is looking for anyone to beat Punk and it just happens to be that the flavour of the month for January is The Rock. Heyman calls The Rock and The People stupid and The Rock comes out and produces a ticket. Rock thanks the San Jose Police Dept. for the ticket and tells Heyman to shut his mouth and orders him out of the ring. Rock calls Punk’s  428 days incredible and has earned the right to call himself best in the world but it does not change the fact that tonight on Raw is Punk’s last night as WWE Champion. He says Rock is obsessed with how Rock entertains and is proud to be People’s Champion. But when it’s all taken away it doesn’t change the fact he’s still a man who will rip Punk’s face off. The crowd chants “Boots To Asses” and the Rock says he’s waited 10 long years and says just like Martin Luther King had a dream, The Rock has a dream to go to the mountaintop once again and if Punk’s looked into Rock’s soul he can see Rock will beat him for the title this Sunday and Sunday night everyone around the world will be chanting “Free At Last”. The lights then go off in the arena and come back on and it’s a three on one attack with The Shield all over Rock. Shield then deliver the triple powerbomb to Rock and leave him laying. Punk then says on top of that mountain there’s only room for one man and you’ve got to pay a price for your freedom. It’s cute Rock has a dream but the truth is you have to wake up from them and when Rock wakes from his dream he’ll realize The Great One just wasn’t good enough to beat the Best In The World


Wade Barrett vs Sheamus
Side headlock takedown by Sheamus. Shoulderblock to Barrett. Double leg takedown by Barrett into a cover. Front facelock by Barrett.  Forearm to the back by Sheamus and shoulder tackles in the corner. Sheamus out of the corner with a clothesline and the front rolling senton.  Barrett with a clothesline over the top rope sending Sheamus to the floor


Barrett with a shot to the gut. Suplex by Barrett, Barrett working over the arm. Sheamus with the axehandle to the skull. High knee by Sheamus. Sheamus grabs Barrett and delivers The Fiery Red Hand. Suplex by Sheamus. White Noise countered by Barrett.  Barrett goes for the pumphandle slam, countered by Sheamus, Sheamus misses with the Brogue Kick and a kick to Sheamus. Barrett on the second rope lands the elbow. Barrett picks Sheamus up counters Wasteland and Sheamus hits the White Noise. Sheamus sets up for Brogue Kick and AJ and Ziggler come down for the distraction.  Barretts hits the Winds Of Change. Sheamus with the Brogue Kick but the clock runs out
The winner of the  Beat The Clock Challenge: Dolph Ziggler


Backstage: Dolph Ziggler, Big E and AJ walk in and gloat to Vickie about the Beat The Clock victory and Vickie says Ziggler doesn’t get to choose his number. He only gets 2 options either #1 or #2
Backstage: Vince says Punk and Heyman think they’re pretty clever. They say they had nothing to do with Shield and Vince says if Shield gets involved at Rumble, he’ll be clever enough to shell out severe consequences and if Shield does get involved the severe consequences will be stripping Punk of the title

Alberto Del Rio vs Tensai
Tensai all over Del Rio with headbutts in the corner. Hard irish whip in the corner and a big splash from the top rope. Del Rio with the flying headscissor. Belly to belly suplex. Del Rio with the enziguri and the moonsault from the top rope for the three count
The winner of the match: Alberto Del Rio
Post Match: Del Rio said at Rumble there will be a 10 count but it'll be Del Rio and it'll be in spanish


Cena says traditionally Sunday’s been a day of rest and it doesn’t matter if u like him or hate him and everyone enjoys Sundays. The point is we all do different things on Sunday except this Sunday because everyone knows this Sunday is Royal Rumble and the golden ticket to Wrestlemania and everyone’s making their picks. Cena then says this Sunday will be an all out war and this Sunday the world will find out what he already knows. Cena will win the Royal Rumble. Sheamus then comes out and says that was a very bizarre, creative, passionate speech but the man who wins will be the same man who won last year. The Prime Time Players then come out followed by Orton. And Orton says he came out to tell everyone they’re looking at the man who will win the Royal Rumble. Miz then does his “Really” shtick and says he’s going to win the Rumble and main event Wrestlemania again. Team Hell No come out and say how childish it is everyone arguing about who’s going to win then argue among themselves. Antonio Cesaro then wanted to let everyone know he’s dedicating his Rumble victory to the US. 3MB come out and the ring is starting to fill up. The locker room then clears out and we get a oreview of Sunday’s Royal Rumble as Raw goes off the air

-End Show-

source: wrestlingnewssource.com

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