SummerSlam 2011 Result Part 2

World Heavyweight Championship - No Holds Barred Match - Christian (c) vs. Randy Orton

Christian is the first man to make his way out to the ring, and he gets a bit of a reaction from the crowd, although they’ve been a bit hard to read tonight.

Christian has a mic and a big smile on his face. He tells the crowd he couldn’t wait for this moment. Ever since he told the world he had a major announcement that was going to change everything. Unlike Orton, Teddy Long or Ever Triple H, Christian is a man with integrity, so he’d like to welcome the man that’s going to be in his corner tonight. His best friend, that Rated R Superstar, Edge! Edge’s music hits, and he does indeed make his way out, with a short haircut, to a HUGE pop from the crowd.

Edge makes his way down to the ring and poses on the turnbuckles to a lot of praise from the crowd. Edge and Christian hug in the middle of the ring. Edge and Christian soak in the awesome crowd reaction for a bit.
Edge takes the mic. He says that was fun, and thanks the crowd. He says heres the thing though, as everyone knows, the WWE doctors have told Edge that he’ll never be able to physically compete here again, but when he left he was actually happy, because he felt like he opened the door for Christian, and he kicked it wide open. He says no one deserved it more that Christian, and he thought it was unfair that Long made him defend the title five days after a ladder match, but Christian just kept complaining about it, over and over again. He says he whined and moaned. Christian got rematch after rematch and won the title back, but he did it but DQ? He says Edge did some horrible, heinous things in here, but he always did it with style and panache, he wasn’t boring. He says he didn’t hide behind lawyers, suits and clipboards. Somewhere along the line Christian became a disgrace to himself. He says he loves him, and will always be his best friend, but he needs to hear it from Edge, he didn’t think his best fried would be a whining crying little bitch. Edge walks away and Christian yells.

Orton’s music hits, and the challenger makes his way out to the ring to a big pop from the crowd.
The bell rings and both men cirlce each other, talking smack for a bit. Both trade right hands before Orton takes Christian into the corner. Orton lays in with a boot, but Christian comes back with a couple of big right hands, sending Orton into the corner. Orton comes right back with a big clothesline, but Christian goes to the apron and hangs Orton up on the top rope before hitting a big elbow from the middle rope. Christian chokes Orton in the corner and rips away at his face. Orton is able to send Christian into the corner and hit a back body drop before beginning to stomp away at Christian’s joints, and laying a big one in Christian’s stomach.
Christian chokes Orton in the ropes and Orton tries to counter into his rope assisted DDT, but Christian is able to send Orton to the outside. On the outside, Christian ends up being shoved into the barricade hard, and Orton takes apart the announce table. Orton stops Christian from going into the ring and goes for the RKO on the announce table. Chrisitan grabs his title and begins running out of the arena, but Orton pursues and stops him in the crowd. Orton brings Christian back down to ring level and stomps away at him.
Orton sends Christian back into the ring, where he mounts him in the corner and lays into him with repeated punches, but when Orton charges Christian, Christian side steps him and Orton goes shoulder first into the ring post. Orton goes to the outside and Christian follows him, to bring him back into the ring. Christian goes under the ring and brings out a kendo stick, slamming it on the stairs on his way into the ring. Christian hits Orton in the gut, shoulders and back with the kendo stick, before standing over him and digging it into his neck. Christian goes for the pin but he only gets two. Christian backs off and goes for a big hit but Orton ducks it and the stick flies out of the ring. Orton tries to turn it around but Christian puts Orton right down and it’s good for another near fall for Christian.

Orton comes up with a roll up out of nowhere and it’s only good for a two count. Christian comes right back with a spinebuster for another near fall, and Christian goes to the outside to grab the kendo stick. Christian goes to the middle rope and leaps off, but Orton counters with a big dropkick to Christian’s chest.
Orton hits his snap powerslam, and he grabs the kendo stick. He goes to useit, but ends up eating boots from Christian. Orton goes for another roll up but only gets two. Orton connects with a Thesz press and lays in with punches. Christian goes to the apron. Orton goes for the DDT, but Christian counters into Killswitch position. Orton changes it up into his patented across the back backbreaker. Orton backs up and goes for the punt, but Christian goes to the outside, and grabs Orton’s legs. Orton pulls his legs back and causes Christian to go head first into the ring post. Orton goes to the outside and goes under the ring to grab a table.
Orton actually grabs two tables, sending one into the ring, and going back out. When Orton gets to the outside though, Christian backs him right into the apron, hard. Christian sets up the table on the outside and goes for Orton, but Orton turns it around and slams him head first into the table. Orton brings Christian back into the ring with a superplex on the not set up table in the middle of the ring. Orton goes for the pin but Christian kicks out at two. Orton goes to set up the table, but one of the legs is already completely destroyed and it’s dented inward.

Orton picks Christian up, but Christian hits the reverse DDT. Christian teases the spear, but Orton jumps over it. Orton goes for the RKO, but Christian sends him to the outside instead. On the outside Orton sends Christian into the steps, and Christian takes the Mick Foley bump, hitting them knees first and flipping over top of the stairs. Orton takes the steps apart and props them against the ring apron. Orton tries to send Christian into the steps but Christian counters and sends Orton into the steps head first.

They move over to the announce table where Christian grabs a monitor from the Spanish announce table and uses it to bash Orton’s head. Christian puts Orton on the table and mocks Orton’s psych up routine. Christian gets on the table with Orton and tries for something, but he took too long as Orton transitions right into the RKO through the table and down to the floor.

Both men are slow to climb back into the ring, but the both make it eventually. Both men get up to their feet and bump into each other. Orton tries for the RKO but Christian counters into the Killswitch. Christian goes for the pin but Orton kicks out at two!

Christian goes to the outside and grabs two steel chairs, bringing them into the ring. Christian sets up one of the chairs under Orton’s head and he has the other in his hands. Christian spits in Orton’s face and hits him with the boot. Christian goes for the conchairto but Orton moves and Christian dropkick the chair. Orton smacks Christian across the back with the chair and Christian goes to the apron. Orton uses the chair to hit Christian and send him through the table that was set up at ringside earlier.

Orton goes to the outside and brings the stairs into the ring, along with garbage cans, and he brings the kendo sticks back as well. Orton tries to stomp on Christian’s head while he’s laid on the steps, but Christian moves. Orton is able to connect with a powerslam through the table in the corner though. Orton whacks Christian with the kendo stick a couple of times, and Christian goes to the apron. Orton brings Christian back into the ring with his rope assisted DDT, planting Christian face first into a garbage can.

Orton drops down to his hands and knees and psychs himself up. Christian comes up with a kendo stick shot. Christian comes off the second rope, but Orton catches him with an RKO planting him on the steel
steps. Orton gets the pin and the three count.

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton

- We get a video of the WWE Axxess events that led up to SummerSlam over the past week.

- Stephanie McMahon and Triple H are show talking to each other backstage before Hunter walks off to ref tonight’s main event.

- The events leading to tonight’s WWE Championship match are shown.

WWE Undisputed Championship Match - Special guest referee: Triple H - CM Punk (c) vs. John Cena (c)

Triple H is the first man to make his way out to the ring for this match, and of course he’s wearing the classic zebra stripes for this one.

CM Punk is the first competitor to make his way to the ring, and he gets a huge pop as soon as his music hits. Punk plays to the crowd, with much success, as he makes his way down to the ring. Punk stares dow Hunter for a bit before turning around and yelling ‘Best in the world!’, and then posing on the turnbuckle.
Punk sits down in the middle of the ring and waits for the other man who calls himself a champion to make his way down to the ring. Cena makes his way out to a huge reaction, a lot of it negative. Cena said something into the camera about ‘in gimmick’ but I didn’t quick catch it. Cena makes his way down to the ring, and for the second time tonight, Lawler says ‘the Champ is here’.

We get formal ring introductions from Justin Roberts and both men are WWE Champion. This crowd seems pretty solidly behind Punk. Hunter grabs both belts from both men and shows off the prize at stake tonight. Hunter checks both men for foreign objects.

The bell rings and we’re ready to begin. Both men lock up and Punk backs Cena into the corner. Punk breaks clean. Cena avoids another lock up with an arm bar. Punk fights out of it and into a head lock, taking Cena down to one knee. Cena fights out of it but Punk takes him down with a big shoulder block. Another lock up and Cena takes Punk down to the mat, but then breaks, and both men get back up. The crowd is pretty evenly spilt. Punk goes behind Cena with a waistlock, but Cena counters into a headlock, taking Punk to the mat. Punk fights out of it but falls to a shoulderblock.

Cena takes Punk down to the mat and goes to work on Punk’s arm cranking away at his shoulder. Cena takes Punk over and locks in a rear chin lock, then head lock. Punk fights out and comes up with a big single leg dropkick. Punk cranks away on Cena with a rear chin lock of his own, wrapping his legs around Cena’s torso.

Cena fights up to his feet, and catches Punk with a gut wrench suplex with is good for a near fall. Cena locks in another rear chin lock, and when Punk gets up to his feet Cena hits a fisherman suplex before locking in another rear chin lock. Punk makes it back to his feet and Cena slams him to the mat before hitting the ropes and hitting a running elbow. Cena goes back to the well, locking in another rear chin lock. Punk fights up to his feet before taking Cena to the mat with a big boot to the face. Punk picks Cena up and lays into him with knees to the midsection before sending Cena into the ropes and catching him with a knee to the stomach.
Punk hits a couple of head butts to Cena’s chest, and goes for another pin for two. Punk tries to wear down Cena, working over his midsection. Cena tries to go for the STF, but Punk kicks him away and Cena goes to the apron. Punk tries to suplex Cena back into the ring but Cena won’t go so Punk hangs him up on the top rope and then hits a dropkick that sends Cena to the outside.

Punk allows Cena to get back into the ring, but he immediately lays into him with kicks to the chest, and a big running senton splash. Punk locks in an awesome submission, but Cena actually stands up with Punk on his back, turning the submission into a really nice side slam. Cena ducks a clothesline and hits a big shoulderblock, but when he goes for another Punk jumps up and catches him with a big knee to the face. Punk goes for the high knee in the corner but Cena dodges it and hits a couple of shoulderblocks in a row. Cena goes for the back body drop but Punk counters into a snap mare type movie before hitting the high knee in the ropes. Cena and Punk have an awesome exchange before Punk locks in the Koji clutch!
Cena fights out of the submission and he’s able to lock in the STF, but Punk is able to reverse it in turn, turning it into the anaconda vice! Hunter counts a couple of pins, but Cena doesn’t quit, and turns things around with another STF. Punk gets into the ropes and forces the break.

Punk dumps Cena over the top rope to the outside. Punk hits the ropes and dives through on top of Cena, sending him directly into the barricade. The side of Punk’s face slammed into the barricade on the way down.

Hunter makes it all the way to a count of nine, but refuses to let it end that way, and instead goes to the outside to send both men back into the ring himself. This one will not end in a count out. Both men get back to their feet, and they trade blows in the middle of the ring with the crowd solidly behind Punk. Cena goes for the AA, but Punk fights out, only to eat an AWESOME dropkick from Cena. Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle, and shoulders Punk, but Punk counters into a roll up for two. Cena goes for a roll up of his own, but Punk bridges out and lays into Cena with a kick to the side of the head for another near fall.

Punk tries for the G2S, but Cena counters out, hits a big splash in the corner, and slams Punk down to the mat for another two count. Cena goes to the apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle but Punk stops him cold with a high knee and Cena falls down to the mat. Punk goes up to the middle rope and comes off with a big bulldog but he’s still only able to get a two count.

Punk goes out to the apron and brings himself back in with a springboard dive, but Cena takes it right into the STF. Punk struggles and sreams, but he won’t give up. Punk crawls, but he’s able to make it into the ropes to force a break. Cena picks Punk up and shoulders him again, but Punk fights out and tries to shoulder Cena. Cena fights it off and hits the AA, but Punk kicks out at two!

Cena doesn’t look too happy with Triple H, arguing with him briefly. Cena goes up to the top rope, but he misses the leg drop, and Punk is able to pick his up and hit the Go to Sleep. Cena kicks out at two!
Punk looks at Hunter and shakes his head. Both men are selling knee injuries. Cena from the leg drop and Punk from the G2S. Punk goes up to the top rope and steadies himself. Punk points to the sky and leaps off with a big elbow drop ala Randy Savage, but it’s still not enough for a three count and Punk looks livid.

Punk goes over to Cena and Cena surprises with a quick roll up, but it’s only good for two. Cena comes with with a combination of punches that look pretty rough. Punk comes right back with a series of kicks and another Go to Sleep. Punk goes for the pin and Hunter counts it but Cena’s foot was on the ropes. Punk’s music hits.

Winner and STILL WWE Champion: CM Punk

After the match…

Cena argues with Triple H, telling him that he messed up, but Hunter didn’t see it. Punk has the title and he holds it up, posing with it on the announce table. Cena has made his way out of the ring and I don’t see him so it looks like this one won’t be restarted or anything. Hunter applauds Punk and puts out his hand for a handshake. Punk doesn’t shake but Hunter holds up his hand in victory anyway. Triple H claps, and makes his way out of the ring. Hunter makes his way up the ramp, clapping the whole way.
When Punk turns around from celebrating in one of the corners he eats a huge boot from Kevin Nash. Nash connects with his jackknife powerbomb to lay Punk out, and Nash leaves through the crowd while Hunter looks on confused.

Suddenly Del Rio’ music hits and he is out to cash in his contract ans wins the WWE Championship!

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