The event was held at the KFC Yum Center - the same site as for Raw back on Dec. 6. It was about 70 percent full Saturday night, and Orton by far was the most popular.
(1) Heath Slater eliminated Daniel Bryan after Bryan eliminated Mark Henry to win a #1 Contender's battle royal for the IC Title later in the show. The match also had the Usos, Trent Barreta, Tyson Kidd, Jinder Mahal, Wade Barrett, Ted DiBiase, and Cody Rhodes, who left before the match started.
(2) Natalya & A.J. beat Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendes. Natalya won with a Sharpshooter on Mendes. Surprisingly decent match with A.J. as the face in peril.
(3) Jinder Mahal beat Tyson Kidd with a Full Nelson Slam. Pretty dull match. Jinder was clearly the heel and he got a ton of heat in this match.
(4) Intercontinental champion Ezekiel Jackson beat Heath Slater via submission to retain the IC Title. Clunky match, but Jackson showed some great personality. Slater really needs to work on his in-ring skills, as he was sloppy and hit a bulldog on Zeke that could've injured him. Zeke won with his Torture Rack submission move to retain the title.
(5) Daniel Bryan beat Wade Barrett via submission with the LeBell Lock. One of the better matches of the night.
Kaitlyn came out to throw shirts, leading to an intermission.
(6) The Usos beat Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase. Pick for match of the night. Cody & Ted lost after Cody 'mistakenly' hit Ted with a kick to the temple off the second rope & the Usos rolled up Ted for the win. An infuriated Cody wanted him to wear a bag, but he wouldn't.
Then, Mark Henry came out demanding competition and stated there was no one in the back who wanted to face him, which led to Sheamus's music hitting.
(7) Sheamus beat Mark Henry via DQ when Henry hit him with a chair. Slow match, but the crowd was hot for Sheamus. Henry got a lot of heat in this match and Sheamus was over as a face. He competed in a video game challenge that was sponsored by a local radio station before the show that helped.
Ahead of the Christian vs. Orton main event, Christian came out to a ton of heat saying he was different in two ways from the people of Louisville: he's the World champion and he has all of his teeth. Randy was then introduced and received a huge pop. Probably the biggest of the night.
(8) World Hvt. champion Christian beat Randy Orton in a Fan's Choice "Louisville" Street Fight to retain the World Title. The other choice was two-out-of-three falls. Christian hit a spear on Randy when he was distracted by Cody and DiBiase. Virtually the same match as Smackdown's dark match.
Afterward, Cody & Ted stormed the ring to beat up Orton until he RKO'd both heels. Christian then tried to hit Randy with the World Title, but missed and took an RKO as well, which popped the arena and closed out the show.
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(1) Heath Slater eliminated Daniel Bryan after Bryan eliminated Mark Henry to win a #1 Contender's battle royal for the IC Title later in the show. The match also had the Usos, Trent Barreta, Tyson Kidd, Jinder Mahal, Wade Barrett, Ted DiBiase, and Cody Rhodes, who left before the match started.
(2) Natalya & A.J. beat Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendes. Natalya won with a Sharpshooter on Mendes. Surprisingly decent match with A.J. as the face in peril.
(3) Jinder Mahal beat Tyson Kidd with a Full Nelson Slam. Pretty dull match. Jinder was clearly the heel and he got a ton of heat in this match.
(4) Intercontinental champion Ezekiel Jackson beat Heath Slater via submission to retain the IC Title. Clunky match, but Jackson showed some great personality. Slater really needs to work on his in-ring skills, as he was sloppy and hit a bulldog on Zeke that could've injured him. Zeke won with his Torture Rack submission move to retain the title.
(5) Daniel Bryan beat Wade Barrett via submission with the LeBell Lock. One of the better matches of the night.
Kaitlyn came out to throw shirts, leading to an intermission.
(6) The Usos beat Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase. Pick for match of the night. Cody & Ted lost after Cody 'mistakenly' hit Ted with a kick to the temple off the second rope & the Usos rolled up Ted for the win. An infuriated Cody wanted him to wear a bag, but he wouldn't.
Then, Mark Henry came out demanding competition and stated there was no one in the back who wanted to face him, which led to Sheamus's music hitting.
(7) Sheamus beat Mark Henry via DQ when Henry hit him with a chair. Slow match, but the crowd was hot for Sheamus. Henry got a lot of heat in this match and Sheamus was over as a face. He competed in a video game challenge that was sponsored by a local radio station before the show that helped.
Ahead of the Christian vs. Orton main event, Christian came out to a ton of heat saying he was different in two ways from the people of Louisville: he's the World champion and he has all of his teeth. Randy was then introduced and received a huge pop. Probably the biggest of the night.
(8) World Hvt. champion Christian beat Randy Orton in a Fan's Choice "Louisville" Street Fight to retain the World Title. The other choice was two-out-of-three falls. Christian hit a spear on Randy when he was distracted by Cody and DiBiase. Virtually the same match as Smackdown's dark match.
Afterward, Cody & Ted stormed the ring to beat up Orton until he RKO'd both heels. Christian then tried to hit Randy with the World Title, but missed and took an RKO as well, which popped the arena and closed out the show.
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